What is God? You are god. But what does that mean to manifesting and us (full explanation)?: Time is simultaneous and the past can and does alter. You could never have synchronicity without the past changing and the originator of the word meant it as a replacement for causality
This means we are both our “highest” selves in a linear time fashion and also our “lowest” selves.
Ego is the memory which is only morphic space.. which changes (Haramein/Sheldrake type stuff).
IF- you existed as a tree or lower as an inanimate personification (a toaster). Then you are that plant, fish, animal NOW.
This very moment.
It is VITAL to understand the past changes. This is the key to all understanding.
You are a tree this very moment… a tree.
but.. what else are you?
Even a first-time human is also a guru who has lived many human lifetimes. Simultaneously.
Think on that.
Every university suggests time is simultaneous. Even muggles are clueing in.
IF time is simultaneous (it is), then we are both an amoeba and an ascended master.
I (wayne hilborn) am the only person who teaches the past changes.
It is so obvious.. ugg
However… this understanding can be applied to all ancient teachings.
I can tell you some screwed-up stuff nobody knows… like…
babies only exist in earth air because nobody expects fully grown adults to pop out of thin air and start pressing buttons.. like in the good ol days.
Okay… where were we…
YOU… The person in the mirror.
You are also an
right this very second.
SCREW JESUS… the fool. I say this to emphasize that YOU MUST already be FARTHER than jesus was. NOW…….
Somewhere.. in some perceived “linear time” fashion.
The fact that we can perceive linear time in a simultaneous universe is GREAT FRIGGING NEWS….
You are in a ride we made called earth air.
You are ONLY and all water fire polarity. Earth air is created by water fire. These are secondary elements that do not “technically” exist.
You are an ancient magikal creature that has existed and will continue to exist.. lifetime after lifetime.. form after form.
All bad is created from worry only.
Did I say you were merely an ascended master?
What if you can go even higher… is ascended master the highest possible ego trip (ha ha)?
and are you going to make me say it?
Do you know why god loves you so frigging much?
Because god WAS you in a linear sense. Isn’t that obvious?
If you understand simultaneosu time and its ramifications.
If you understand reincarnation and how we grow lifetime to lifetime.
Do you now regret killing that fly?
A baby soul.
We should not SEPARATE ourselves from god.
GOD IS WITHIN.. because god is you.
Always was.
Everyone has their own direction and uniqueness.. which is PERFECT.
At the VERY END.. we are al the exact same consciousness. I am you, you are me… yippee ki yah.
So. if youre looking for an EXTERNAL god.. Good frigging luck.
You are ALL there is.
You can pray.. but to your HIGHER selves (even lower)… and then it becomes magik… which is more advanced.
SEND BLESSINGS to your future lifetimes… with CONSCIOUS INTENT.. just give thanks and think about a future lifetime.
They have private server realms..
NOTE: All realms must have bad to have good. Our learning realm is a nursery for baby souls. Worry is the only cause of evil, and private server realms are by invite only. Worrywarts need recycling.
YOUR WORRY CAUSES BAD CRAP… that is a “life review” shocker.
Think about how you’ve harmed others before you die.. so if given a life review.. you can say.. yep.. i fried that ant with a magnifying glass.
and understand why you’ve failed the grade.. and are sent for recycling/reincarnation here.
Oooh.. ad we are all so mind-controlled.
EVERY thought you think has a physical astral body and petitions your mind. we are always surrounded by thought forms.. so TM and disciplines are important.
We have entered a golden age. Since the 2012 calendar or 2021 alignments suggest but we are still on the cusp.
Do you THINK your higher self would give you a break now and then?
Do you think of yourself as separate from yourself?
Therein lies the problem…
How to view ourselves as ourselves…
How can a fruit fly even know he will become a god.. and then THE God (which is all.. literally all)?
You ARE your toaster.
You are your pet.
You are everything.
and everything is you.
So TECHNICALLY.. everyone has access to everyone else’s memories… which is morphic space (us). Akashic records by some terms are simply the actual simultaneous events. Youre a telepathic voyeur to that first kiss.
Can you live without worry and with full trust? That YOU will help you.
It doesn’t work like that.. YOU are powerful “yourself” (notice quotes).
YOU are the one who directs YOURSELF.
Yourself is just so frigging happy that you are you. Linear time had a very rough beginning. Experienced BY YOU.
You are an ancient creature..
You are everything.. and everything is you.
Time is simultaneous.
The past changes.
We all live forever
Worry is the only cause of evil
Locke (philosopher) suggests we are real because a candle can melt when we are absent. Clearly, the candle is also you.
Think it through using logic.
You can see time is manifesting by analyzing ANY synchronicity.. Linear time is absurd for much magik.
Everyt6hing is magik
Nothing is “real”
You are the highest possible god.
Jesus didn’t say “I am the light” as a statement.. it was an affirmation. Muggles misunderstood.
If I say “I AM HAPPY”… I don’t want someone mistaking me for the seventh dwarf.
God is NOT walking beside you or carrying you….
God lived your life and knows your life. God is also your previous lives.. you can also borrow and BLESS THEM.
Always-always bless your toaster also.
If you bless toilet paper it will clean your butt better than non-blessed toilet paper.. talismans are legit. You are the toilet paper.
You are all… and all is perfect.
I often simplify this story and just say “you are god”..
YOU ARE GOD!.. always were.
One of these days I’m going to teach this stuff more seriously.
If you let a grandmother WORRY (visualize bad) upon her grandchildren.. that’s bad juju.
You are god… you live forever.
and teaching this stuff is also helpful to you as others and any soul/ego/memory/desire/personification… whatever you are… you are all
YOU ARE GOD!… and so is every fruit fly and dog.
Wayne Hilborn (author of “The Savvy Sorcerer”, etc)
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