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Imagine a world that has more daydreams than worries. This author wants to continue researching and writing if there is interest. If you would like to hear more from Wayne Hilborn consider being a one time donor or a sponsor to this channel.
This author would like to expand into healing and workshops.. but any financing involved will come from the pockets of benefactors or other. If you would like to help spread these lessons… then do so with word of mouth, visualize our success, or simply donate money. Any or all are appreciated. Share our views.
Please visit Wayne Hilborns Patreon page.
People live much differently than we were meant to.
Thank you for many kind words, continued support, and sponsors
This website is currently not running on ads, affiliate sales, or courses. It shall one day. Until then; you can also help support The Conceivers Club by sharing articles, purchasing Wayne Hilborn books, or simply by spending a minute visualizing these messages going more mainstream. Affirm out loud “This website gets very popular” for a minute and let the energy follow your thoughts.
This is a mind power website. We value your efforts to help others by teaching them the ease of manifesting, or if you affirm this site will grow. Financial donations will encourage allow The Conceivers Club to grow faster and with additional features.
This Website is new. It is not as organized as it will look in years to come, and all your support is appreciated. Even small donations are welcome. Every penny counts. Even small donations can help offset out-of-pocket creator purchases, and promote some future expenditures on things that may or may not happen. There is an intuition “app” that has been thought of, and Wayne Hilborn could use a laboratory and some minions.
Comments are not yet enabled because “spam protections” are considered an unnecessary expense for what is currently a passion project. You may leave comments but they currently need to be approved to prevent spam. Is this a project you are passionate about? We aim to be a club of conscious creators. The Conceivers Club
Only donate/tithe here if you are affluent enough to spare some change. This is a project that may hopefully change a few minds and attitudes.
Only donate if you feel this website can help others learn simple truths.
Please do not give unless you are affluent enough to share in the creation of The Conceivers Club
Thank you for your support and positive thoughts…. both are appreciated here.
Wayne Hilborn
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