We visualize space and time but we exist as what I am guessing is everything at once type thing.. and we have to experience “time” as we need “space” to view furniture.
Much is lost in semantics…
Instead of thinking of the world as a singular mass consciousness.. think of it as a myriad of mass consciousnesses.. plural.
We (mankind/dogs/cats/owls, etc) all have unique GROUP CONSCIOUSNESS.
You can MORE READILLIY access memories you find it easiest to associate with.
So like SPECIES.. consciousness arises from water fire polarity in what could be described in science as morphic space. Your memories do not exist within you. They occur right now. You are a telepathic voyeur to your own first kiss, occurring now (Hopefully). Magik is easy. Just by remembering you’re using telepathy.
All you are is memory as you are aimed at the past in a William James Sidis fashion. Our past can be altered and does alter. Expectations become more solidified.
So this morphic space.. is what we are. Destined to be anything.
We ALIGNED with earth air to exist here.
we are equal to earth air in THIS form. Earth air are not “real” elements. This is a realm we “play” inside.
Name Brand running shoes BIRTH into you as you have birthed into earth air. That BRAND NAME has a consciousness capable of planning and thought… borrowed. .. and they seek gratitude.
Toothpicks or dalmations.. they all have “unique” consciousness.
Action is required for consciousness/memory. We are active even when thinking etc.
If you want a “fun family day at the park”… that is a valid avenue of thought.. thats been THUNK (Thinked?) before? Ha Thought… Thought before.
Every thought is conscious and outside of us. We are radios or avatars to simplify.
If you ALIGN to a “fun family day at the park”.. how would you do it? If consciously creating.. you must invite..
Example: (axfegugkytni clears throat – ahem)…
ME: Please mister “fun family day at the park”… I could use a day like you.. please come on Saturday.
Then listen…
and listen some more..
but come Saturday.. the day would go smooooth sailing..
The universe is conscious and “simpleton” elementaries.
——- THE BIG BULLY THOUGHT (a thought experiment explanaton)——-
If we reside inside a morphic space simultaneous shared dream (we do)… then we could think of our thoughts as tiny people…
Every thought you think.. sends a corresponding IMAGINARY PERSON to fulfill that desire. By PERSONIFYING any aspects of a GROUP CONSCIOUSNESS.. you separate it from that group and give it a type of crack cocaine.
Sorry.. I didnt mean you give the new soul a taste of crack cocaine.. but when you personified it.. you made it taste LOVE/GRATITUDE/DESIRE… and that ambition is what drives it to eventually evolve into plants, animals. and even people. Magik is easy.
A ketchup bottle is part of the group ketchup bottle consciousness. but if you draw a mustache on it and call him Stanley… You create a soul/elementaries.
Semantics from Hindu or science or Hermeticism.. do not matter.
Only the bottom lines.
We live in an ocean of expectations and so much is misunderstood about the flows. Due to simultaneous time, a victim manifests the upbringing and current circumstances of their own bully. A worrying grandmother is more guilty than the man who ran down her grandchildren.
Grandma attaches to and INVITES that negativity every time her grandchildren were ten minutes late for supper.. bad juju.. bad grandma.
It is BOTHERSOME the bad that goes on simp,y because people have no idea worry is the only cause of evil.
One could argue desire is the root of suffering because nothing you ever possess can be kept… so there is a DISCIPLINE to facing loss… or again.. you align to grief and that can harm/confuse a soul.
The afterlife is our nocturnal dream realm with looser expectations.. someone prone to nightmares may have some concerns.
You may get rescued or find your way out of such nightmares.. any nightmare would lose its edge… but still would not sound pleasant.
If approached correctly the gap realm can be a school and Jane Roberts/Seth Speaks is good for that and free on youtube.
The natural state of being is love and we taste that only when we come close to losing our division or when appreciating (the present moment is a natural and divine state.. I suggest the alpha state).
Alpha is a simple happy thought meditation space… I used to hack alpha with AUTOSTEREOGRAMS and noticed my vision could perceive psychic answers.
WHEN DREAMING REM our eyes roll back in our heads.
So Harold Sherman (“How to make esp work for you” hosted on my website) suggested rolling my eyes up in the method I first used for astral projection.
Another man was using the ALPHA mind to see if his children could retain learned knowledge better.. like with full spectrum lights, etc.
Sometimes the man’s daughter would answer the questions.. WITHOUT BEING ASKED…
The man would think of a historical question and his daughter would be “George Washington”… and be right.
What to do what to do what to do?
The man taught groups of children to do this.
These became known as the Laredo children where the techniques originated.
The mans name…
Was Jose Silva.. and the Silva Mind Control method was born around 1972. The entire Yankee ball team took the course it was so popular… and stil today.
I was gifted the book at a young age.. but
A scrying mirror works best if you must angle your eyes up to see it while facing forward.
This is not VITAL.. but it does seem to be a hack to at least alpha (dream state is delta).
YOU must guide yourself through life..
Because living randomly MAY sound fun on paper..
A SIMPLE way to stop grandma from worrying the grandchildren into an early grave is to get people and the grandchildren themselves.. visulaizing THEIR OWN end games on earth.
DRAW a picture of yourself at age 150 surrounded by loved ones.
That alone would make you less likely to get struck by an avalanche at age 100.
INTENT.. aims.. moves.. brings..
If Jesus (ass) says “I am the light”.. its an AFFIRMATION.. not a statement.
If you are assuming control in healing “I am the light” sounds pretty basic as a Franz bardon style affirmation.
We all exist forever due to simultaneous time. but if we are not careful our egos can have a rough go and become unrecognizable.
With time or discipline, we can detach and let go of the karma of desire.
I like to think of it as we are suppose dot be experiencing.. the good stuff.
BUUUUTT without bad there can be no good. we just don’t need to get so extreme or dramatic with it.
Clearly living for reincarnation is a clever choice..
We are entering a golden age… but that may not mean for every nation. The advent of the internet and electric cars and boats..
Lets hope all is well.
There are conscious thought forms like tiny people all around us.. trying to get task done.. or manifestation.
IF you give your CONSCIOUS THOUGHT weight through magik understanding or repetition… it is BIGGER and STRONGER…
So whoever wins the prize at the county fair is to whoever EXPECTS IT the most.. which COULD be you..
The world makes sense if you think of thoughts as ALIVE and if you give them weight.. they become stronger.
The world is a collection of mass conscious collections of mass consciousness collections of mass consciousness collections, etc.
We are borg
Fundamentally we are the same person with different memories.. even a dog and fruit fly access the same matrix.
You continue but you always grow
“THANK YOU” may sound like a weird thing to say if you are being beaten.. but these words align with a strong force.. gratitude and love are synonymous..mostly.
THANKFULLNESS is a hack to universal love
Looking UP is a help hack into alpha
REPETITION is the most obvious hack to focus.
Go alpha.. and daydream.. but never worry in alpha.. or you may not like what you get.
Wayne Hilborn is currently the only author on earth that teaches accurate truth.
No other writers or teachers seem to grasp THE PAST CHANGES which is something we can only notice by manifesting things often and paying attention. Wayne Hilborn is not in need of your money, but this magikal truth needs to become widespread and with research on many topics.
If you are affluent or become affluent due to these lessons, consider sponsoring wayne in research and life. This website may also run ads, but it is better to donate here if you value these insights.
Wayne Hilborn teaches real magik… It is science that is a religion if we could be dreaming now.
If you would like to see Wayne do more writing and research.. chip in.
Silent blessings and glowing expectations for global growth.. would be EQUALLY appreciated. Visualize these truths becoming widespread.. if you have seen results.
Wayne Hilborn (author of “The Savvy Sorcerer” and “Miracles are too easy”).
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