Shedding bad thought-forms lesson: I was fortunate enough to learn of manifesting and telepathy at a very young age. My lessons did not involve simultaneous time or notions our thoughts influence what we perceive as the past.. but they do.
More than most, I have spent years pondering the implications these things mean in our lives.
Each and every one of us is a “supreme being” with more powers than your favorite superhero.. so there is that. Does spiderman live forever?
YOUR MIND IS CONTROLLED BY OTHERS: If you argue with someone your mind will race and you may feel like pacing. This is what psychic thoughts can feel like.
In the subset of “reality” (quotes are important), a person worried of getting mugged in a city, will telepathically invite a weak-willed person attached to the thought-form of mugging… a good reason why not to attach yourself to the thought-form of mugging.
Everything is psychically orchestrated.. worry is visualizing bad crap with emotion and a valid way to manifest bad crap. If you wish to manifest bad crap.. without a doubt.. worry is the way to go.
Note: If you are in a situation that seems to demand worry. Use distractions. Netflix. Set timers to beep often so you know to check your thinking.
“Energy follows all thoughts and not the other way around”
The following statement I repeat often is worth much pondering.
“A victim helps manifest both the upbringing and current circumstances of their own bully”. Remember, our thoughts project and orchestrate the past as much as the future.
Thoughts exist outside us. Our memories are what we call akashic. Since everything occurs simultaneously… remembering life as a twelve-year-old is just a matter of tuning in to that actual scene telepathically… there is no “memory”. You see the actual event tainted by current prejudices.
A horse of course analogy:
Thoughts are conscious and exist outside of us. Our minds collect these brethren thoughts like horses in a coral.
Don’t let in the bad horses in your corral.
These horses have rein (get “rein not reign”, narf!)
These horses have reign over your consciousness.
We ourselves have “birthed” (literally) into earth air. Earth air is not an environment that expects changes to its psychic matrix. It is very hard to push into this earth air. Nobody en masse “expects” you to come in and start breaking stuff.. just yet.
Pregnancy and childhood is fun and cute and full of love, but it is pushback because if fully grown adults suddenly appeared out of thin air.. it would counter all expectations… what we live inside is a sea of expectations.so they are a little important.
In a psychic way, childhood could almost be considered a price we pay to make whatever changes we came here to do.
We will always exist as emotion and light.
We must detach from negative thought forms as best we can. This can best be done through TM and learning the disciplines of fasting for at least a week now and then. Enjoy pie.. but learn the disciplines. Your mind should have such control or the gap realm/afterlife may be more burdensome than need be.
The gap realm is more personally psychic and you create what you expect. Not “en masse”. You can communicate with others but you all know what each other is thinking. You could never play “chess” in the gap realm as the other person would know your moves. They have other games equally fun.
The gap realm is what we consider nocturnal dreaming. Things inside the gap realm may not translate well into earth air life and so our dreams may substitute bizarre objects it can tune to.
Upon death, you may face a nightmare. If this were the case, it likely means you were poorly trained in life… but even if we “thunk” up a nightmare scenario.. do we have the discipline of mind to cast it aside?
When we open our mind and corral thought forms inside… those horses can also open the gates and let in their friends… so keep the nasty horses out.. and only the nice ones in.
Ponies are better at opening gates.. Horse and ponies are quite clever. One mare would charge at me full gallop while I read a book upon an overturned bucket in the arena (Canada eh.. we need indoors). I would fall off the bucket… and if you ever saw a horse laugh. She got me more than once. Villanous I tell you. R.I.P. Peggy.
If you really consider how the world works… we are all controlled here to a large degree…
Instead of “right and wrong”… you must collect good thoughts and discard bad ones.
If you have clutter in your home that has not been used in a year… think about “detaching” from that thought-form. Practice makes perfect.
I think Buddhism is a devolved form of Hinduism due to pushback… and Buddhism’s notions about the four noble truths and suffering are bizarre.
Nobody, nobody, nobody.. should ever complain about suffering or sadness.. for without those there can never be joy or happiness. Think upon it. It’s clearly common sense. The Polarity principle of Hermeticism applies.
The principle of polarity explains that seemingly opposite things are actually one and the same at varying degrees. A simple example of this is hot and cold. Cold is just the absence of heat, and they’re both one thing: temperature.
Buddhisms four noble truths (barf): They are the truth of suffering, the truth of the cause of suffering, the truth of the end of suffering, and the truth of the path that leads to the end of suffering.
Shut up Buddha.. err.. Did I just say that.. I must detach… Peace Buddha… (I literally have a 2 foot statue of Buddha six feet away from me glaring at me as I type this.. Hmm.. and he has other homie statues of Buddha here also… one upon a pedestal). People in my neck of the woods have actually heard of Buddhism.. not so much Hinduism or my own insights.
Lingams are water-activated devices central to every Hindu temple.. central… everywhere. They have scientific purposes.. anions/negative ions.
You pour water upon these giant smooth stones which were lept warm with sunlight or fire. The evaporated water gives our air a crucial part… anions. Negative ions.
Positive ionic air is just air missing a piece… to simplify.. You can look at its molecular structure with and without that extra piece.. and if it is full… it is healthy.
It is “mana”. It helps us manifest.
WE ARE ELECTRICAL.. Ground yourself with electrical wiring (earthing kits) or go barefoot. They sell earthing shoes.. rubber soles are killing people… true story. Not all the time.. but while you sleep… and at your desk, etc. (earthing kits.. cheap… or homemade).
You can buy 3 anti-static wristbands for $10 on Amazon and ground yourself to something while you sleep as one cheap method. This has scientifically been proved to reduce inflammation etc. I meditate grounded. I learned this from the works of Puharich also. Puharich paid Gene Roddenberry to participate in a psychic study in his younger years.. and Uru Gellar was very good at remote viewing etc.. as am I. (I’d kick his ass.. lol)
You can get such “mana” devices from Walmart. Bionaire is their brand name.
You could also have a fountain in your home. Waterfall, shower, vaporizers.. and don’t forget to physically ground via earth or electrically grounding to earth (study grounding/earthing).
Anyways… Buddhists came in pushed aside all the Lingams and took over temples installing Buddha statues where once had been Lingams. Ask me if you wish a list of a few famous temples.. It was commonplace.
Your mission should you accept it is to try to limit your arguing… Try to limit your crap. Let something go… Feng Shui of no clutter.. This is why.
Other thought-forms in your corral… err. I mean horses. may also feed of the energy around.. You are not a superior thought form.
A plant or toaster are co-gods. They are in younger format using our linear time perceived infrastructure… the “rules” of this game upon which you are an avatar.
Your soul is at an age you can understand and consciously limit bad thinking… or let it consume you. There must be ways back but they can be seemingly overwhelming to some. baby steps… shed things that are unused is a necessary discipline.
Thank each item you discard. I speak to objects as if they were pets or plants. I am not saying live on 100 items. I am saying. Use your judgment reasonably.
If you give thought to anything.. daydreams or worry.. guess what you are creating or inviting.. Choose wisely.
Looking at the world from the outside in is both awe-inspiring and maddening. I know why people cannot learn en masse… pushback
Thoth – “These secrets guard themselves”
I do not think first-time humans could find these words. I say this because blind people do not expect to be cured. If everyone suddenly knew magik it would fly in the face of everything we thought we knew.
Anyways.. It is 4 am here.. a witching hour as I prepare for a meditation lasting the next hour. Feels like Im punching a clock sometimes. get up.. have a coffee. Indulge in some Marijuana…. blab about consciousness online . time to leave for work… see ya in the astral.
Wayne Hilborn
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Imagine a world that has more daydreams than worries. This author wants to continue researching and writing if there is interest. If you would like to hear more from Wayne Hilborn consider being a one time donor or a sponsor to this channel.
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People live much differently than we were meant to.
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