The syllabus you are about to enter will teach you miracles within the next few minutes of reading. Take note that this course will never ask you to believe any Dogma. We are not going to point to what our parents taught us, or ancient books… we shall… but we aim to show you how you can best use this ancient wisdom and see it quite clearly all along your journey. For Yourself (Important to note)
Miracles can get quite Disney at higher levels.
Repeat now, the following words at a whisper, “I understand the universe”.
We will explain these easy visible miracles afterward… but know this going in… There are psychic energies that wish to hold you back… any doubt from a family member or friend.. is adding to your limitation. They consciously create also…. Not just you.
If we again read aloud in a whisper or with volume, “I understand the universe”. We help dissipate any factors limiting you from manifesting knowledge.
Manifesting Tip: Manifest Manifesting Knowledge
say that five times fast
Recognizing that you are a conscious creator also means recognizing that everyone else, skeptic or not, is also “projecting” reality. Later on we will explain how you can recognize that we share what amounts to a dream. Science might call it “The Simulation Hypothesis”. It is also the first Hermetic Principle.
Please contact me if video embedding does not work. Remember to bookmark this page if you leave to watch the suggested videos elsewhere. As the lesson progresses we will broach some subjects and use videos. We will endeavor to keep the training light and happy..
For in the next paragraph you are going to see an authentic easy visible miracle. Remember that you are going to be open about truly making the ten-minute effort. There are forces wanting you to be skeptical. Be strong. We are not asking you to believe a thing. Walk away from this lesson right now if you are not willing to expose yourself to a possible new understanding of “reality”.
Manifesting Tip: Manifest Manifesting Knowledge
say that five times fast
Easy Miracle # 1:
Go to a window and using only your mind make a cloud disappear.
It may sound absurd or too silly to try a miracle? If miracles are real, why haven’t I seen them on television?
There are very logical explanations and you will not need to rely on dogma. You are also reading about a good entry-level miracle… but you know that if you can do what is said in Lesson One… Then You will surely be prepared for the magic in Course Four. Think of this as an entry-level miracle. You are on Lesson One still.
Teaser: If you can dissolve a cloud with intent, then you can certainly dissolve a cancer or disease with the same intent. I also want you to carefully note… doctors advice should be followed… There is much belief in our medicines… so it is also good on esoteric levels. A world governed by expectations/beliefs
Lack of Textbooks:
Notice that this course does not ask you to believe that you can dissolve a cloud in ten minutes using only your mind. You can decide if you think learning high miracles is worth the practice lessons.
Our hope is that you can overcome conditioned thinking to actually
Choose a cloud to dissolve. Choose nearby clouds to remain. They will show you it was never the wind. You need no other tool than intent.
WayNe Hilborn
If-if-if we can dissolve a cloud 100 times out of 100 efforts… then we would have a 100% success rating.
Whoopee! We can film it.. show our friends… be the world-famous cloudbuster… You! Does this sound like how many people might react? The universe is actually a shared dream more than what we tend to deem “real”.
The central precept to all miracles is the understanding that we reside inside a giant high definition imagination.. more than anything we would deem real.
Throughout these lessons we are going to teach you some shocking things you may not at first believe. Time operates far differently than we know. It is an important topic but more advanced than lesson one.
History alters as counterintuitive as that must seem. It is only dogma if I claim it. As you continue your lessons, you need to actually do these things yourselves.
If you have experience with manifesting… You did find The Conceivers Club…
Conceiving can mean creating thoughts or life… so apt.
If you have experience manifesting as I’m sure many of you have. Start thinking about the timelines. Do they make sense?
Sometimes when we manifest timelines do not make logical sense… even if energy follows all thoughts.
We must give intents to notice manifesting and manifest to notice history alters. As you progress you will learn an imaginary reality has different rules than an objective reality
Life is but a dream. Sh-boom, Sh-boom.
Never believe me or anyone. Fact Check, ask questions, clarify your knowledge.
Remember. The Conceivers Club doesn’t teach dogma. We teach you small miracles and then how to amplify them into bigger miracles.
If we teach you something fabulous… remember our donate buttons when you tithe. We aim to grow and even sponsor esoteric R&D, build our intuition apps, and teach the world miracles.
Remember how hard life was back when you were a muggle that couldn’t bust a cloud? Lets help others learn… help us through promotion.. or just say “Big Blessings that The Conceivers Club keeps growing and growing” five times fast… as fast as you can. We happily accept mental donations if youre a new manifester. Seasoned manifesters… tithe as you wish to share our trade.
Using intent in daily life is far better than living randomly. Do not ignore the true beauty and excitement these methods can bring to your life.
There are strong advantages to not living randomly based solely off the willy nilly thoughts from yourself and others.
The free courses will teach you how to live in a happier way than random. This is a webpage version of our course one. This section contains three easy miracles… the first of which is “Cloudbusting Alone“
This course will teach you to bend ‘reality” to your will. Course one. The course you are reading now.
(work in progress – websites in progress – May 2021)
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