Ouija is harmless. They have had a bad reputation ever since a horror movie called “The Exorcist” made a Ouija Board the villain long ago.
I find it funny that some who claim to use manifesting have issues with this but will happily invoke or evocate (maybe they just pretend) even if just while scrying.
Parker bros and Hasbro are game companies that sold millions of these boards (6 million+) and it was a fad in the 1960’s. Aside from a few movies.. You do not hear of any real-life horrors.
I was even warned of buying a Ouija Board from store employees during my purchase. The store cashier tried to warn me away from them. Some esoteric tools are more available online and have less stigmatism.
My parents wanted to know when they would have a child. The Ouija board told them they would have a son born April 14. This was less than nine months away and my mother was not even pregnant. The Ouija board told them to go home and “F__K” (I never got an unedited version until I was older). However, April 14 was my dad’s birthday so he bet a dollar that it would come true.
On April 14th I was born. A month Premature. Maybe it was all power of suggestion. My dad won a dollar.
I used Ouija Boards with many friends prior to the age of 10. Mostly people accuse you of pushing it while they remove their hands very fast.. and say “See.. “See”.. “youre pushing it.”.. this can consume most your evening. I do not think people truly grasp its ease until they use it with someone new who is then accusing them of pushing it.
TECHNIQUE: Two solid (no cushion) kitchen chairs facing each other. Knees touching. Board on lap. Twenty fingers on the planchette. Nervousness and cold help the ideomotor steer it towards subconscious answers, although you can think of a word and it will automatically start spelling it without aim.
Warning: At this point it will happily blurt out the name of your favorite crush.
To get astral answers it is more legitimate to visualize a separate board 1/4″ off kilter from the real board (like with Pendulums). This sends a copy into the astral realm and makes it easier to get answers not from ourselves (Franz Bardon Technique).
One of my favorite writers on esoteric topics is Jane Roberts/SETH. Seth started out as a Ouija Board personality. Eventually she was able to write as a medium… but it all started with Ouija. There are currently hundreds of Seth websites.. His teachings are the most accurate I see.
Ouija Boards should be encouraged. People could do worse than wake up and realize they have power.
If you worry about them though.. Do not use. Do not do anything you spend effort visualizing crap with emotion upon (aka WORRY).
This clip is why so many fear Ouija. It has nothing to do with experiences. It is just heresay and hype.
Yeah.. Witches also all have warts on their noses… I know because I saw it in a movie once. You can ignore much of the stigmatism if you use common sense.
They are fun. I have a collection and seek unique boards and planchettes. The coffee table planchette looks fun also.. Maybe one day.
Whether you seek to speak to the dead (necromancy) or build towards mediumship… this is a good place for novices to begin.
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