If reincarnation is true (it is), then our parents did not birth our soul. Chances are as likely that we helped create their souls. Your soul has been birthed millions of times to have reached the level of “human”. So how did our souls begin?
“How a soul is born (The story of squeaky):
The very first Hermetic Principle states we are 100% imaginary. We live inside a very realistic high definition dream. You cannot just pinch yourself and wake up… depending upon how hard you pinch I suppose.
However; it is a dream we share so all thoughts must shape your path, including the expectations from others.
In the beginning lay a myriad of possibilities amidst a nothingness in space or time and a thought was born.
In the beginning, there was only a single thought, and thought carries consciousness. You are a thought. I am a thought. We are “thought-forms”. This also means you have more superpowers than your favorite superhero.
A soul is born from personification. Any animal that plays creates souls. It is a psychic pyramid. If your pet gives a cuddle to his toy “squeaky”, they have created a soul.
“Squeaky” isn’t all that bright. He knows that he is… in a how can he not be kind of way, but is directionless. Once “Squeaky” is born into consciousness it would be a “young” (time is simultaneous) soul in a linear time fashion.
Every consciousness is equal by default. The son thought-form is equal to the father thought-form in our psychic pyramid gestalt. If you personify a thought or toy or toaster… you assign it part of your consciousness. It can actually think, and do. Should that unique new consciousness reach an “I AM” level of awareness. A soul is born.
Thoughts create time. We experience time in exactly the same way we need space to view furniture.
“Squeaky” toy is just as divine as you or I. Blessed be to “Squeaky”.
“Squeaky” cannot just hop into a human body and start living it up (you are a miraculous god.. live it up).
“Squeaky” needs to evolve. 3D “actuality” is not for everyone and some weak thoughts can fade away. “Squeaky” had been birthed with all the elements… and took spirit.
You must live as a fish before you can live as a turtle, a turtle before you can live as a lion. Congratulations; you are now driving a human body.
When you were a plant millions of lifetimes ago, you did not have eyes to see, nor ears to hear, nor fingers to count upon. New souls do not yet know to expect such glorious things. Think of all the wonderful things you can do now you are no longer a plant, fish, animal.
Every thought you make can exist without the creator. There is no time or space so there is no end to the amount of universes just one of us can birth. Each and every one of us is as bright as any star.
A fruit fly does not expect gourmet meals and your pet is learning to. We get what we expect as a collective.
If you wish to alter circumstances; add more weight of thought. Repetition is the easiest way to add weight of thought. Repetition is the most obvious hack to focus. Always steer the thoughts of others to the outcome you desire.. or work against their opposing thoughts/expectations.
“Repetition is the most obvious hack to focus” – Wayne Hilborn
There are numerous ways to amplify your miracles but exercise your imagination and emotions. Emotional attachments are large parts of our next steps in growth. If we can become loving enough, then we could access higher realms and be more selective in “future” growth.
Upon death, you will be in a dream-state more controlled by your own expectations. The thought-forms and expectations from within you. Fear not; you have done this millions of times.
“Time is simultaneous which means we all live forever by default. You can live the lifetime of a quadrillion trees and still be but a mere forgotten flash to what forever truly means” – Wayne Hilborn
Your soul is like a bubble. It can split or merge. Early consciousnesses may sometimes merge by choice to quicken growth, but the originals will also continue to exist as fragments depending upon how easy the choice was. The counterarguments in “Squeakys” head could leave fragments of his overall choice to join a collective that has
Imagine someone had an outhouse they named “Lou”. By personify the outhouse “Lou” is a thought-form. “Lou” does not ever need to become an outhouse again… but Lou may try it a few times before moving up to small organisms.
Lou had Earth, Air, Fire, Water. This gave it roots in the base thought forms. Some “weak” (lesser expectations) thought forms/rudimentary consciousness just exist in the same mindful bliss… coagulating as the same “Mindless” thought-form. Like a Turkey looking up at the rain drowning, these mindless thought forms just appreciate. They exist in a bliss created by their future selves… us.
We all start off as personifications from our immediate creator.. but automatically are equal. We just have less expectations or sometimes even do not have a care to “be”. Emotions evolve also.
Let’s keep the analogy to life forms, but even a toaster has a soul. Even if we do not quite understand it. Think of Plants/Amoeba, etc.
A dog will personify its toy “Squeaky”. Squeaky will learn gratitude when the dog “appreciates” it. Then Squeaky will be discarded… left in a rubbish heap. Poor Squeaky.
Squeaky will “rot” away in a landfill… basking in its own existence. When it is no more.. it will be met by guides. Time is simultaneous so Squeaky lives all of his lives simultaneously. There is a “human” (or alien) form of “Squeaky” the moment his soul is birthed by the dog. A dog has a higher form of guide also… for it is on the same journey as us.
Squeaky can potentially become a dog or human some day. It is not instant. Human bodies are complicated to drive. Eyes, ears, nose, mouth, fingers, toes… These are things Squeaky is not fully accustomed to its first few times around.
We create a soul every time we personify something.
You are god… but so was that dog… and Squeaky.
All hail Squeaky!
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