The weak are often mind-controlled:
For magik to work, the local participants must act in manners conducive to your end result. This is mind control and even though that itself is how many people define “black magick”, there is no way around it.
If you EXPECT a co-worker to be late again… you can literally make his bus drive past him.. with your evil thought projection. “Worry”.. or negative expectation.. depending upon your view i suppose. Maybe its a good thing.. but … still.. booo.
Did YOU make that bus driver drive past your co-worker using MIND CONTROL… yes. You helped manifest it. By EXPECTING/faith/belief.. that they would be late.Re-read ancient Hindu/Franz Bardon/The Kybalion (recent work that misunderstands time).. re-read any and all with the understanding that time is simultaneous or and even the past bends to our will.
Know that you are a conscious thought.. and all thoughts themselves have their balance of being. Like how you breathe second nature.. so do you “steer” thoughts.. unless they reach an “I am” awareness with enough personification and element support.
If you create an imaginary being that only you are aware of.. then it has no support and is as real as your dolls.Grown men should play with dolls.. minecraft.
I’m unsure about some games now.. feeling hunted too much in pvp? These “feelings” translate into our non-gaming lives.
Imagine everything is alive and conscious.. your items will last longer.
Maybe.. maybe.. maybe your car kept breaking down because you were taking it for granted?
Srsly…We live in a dream.. imaginary stuff is real to degree and ALL focus builds reality.
Not just on bent knee.Trust you have an old soul… for if you understand the past can change and you live your lives simutanously.. simultaneously…Then you are your first taste of consciousness and your very highest self (your god).. now.
This very second you are your highest self also… you could pray to.. but learn to change reality with the cooperation…Magic is CO-OPERATIVE and is weighed in accordance with pushback.
We are borg… cough*This is a learning realm so hard to go lower with a minimum of effort, but there are some souls that may get attached to other thought-forms in part or more fully and lose themselves in a psychic chaotic dream… a dream more akin to what you experience at night.. with your mind seeing events and things it may not understand and translating as best as it can.
You are balanced in earth air.. and if you are expecting an afterlife.. then that is probably enough to save you from some randomness.It is my understanding that a soul would always retain a root.
There can be no soul destruction in a linear sense but if time can alter then could a stronger more powerful mind-controlling thought alter our past and turn our memories and associations into that of mermaids and mermen.. as an example. This notion is canceled by the overall expectation ranges. The akashic record is fluid. The akashic record is the actual event. You are a psychic voyeur if you remember your first kiss… perv… let them be (joking.. remember stuff fondly if fond – or DETACH / karma).
Mind control… do not do for bad… but pay attention to what you manifest and what everyone around you did to make it transpire..You do not need to make them change with intent.
Only focus on your magic.. your focus is your magik but expectations grow and anyone who grasps simultaneous time fully. Has much power.
Take these understandings and apply to all old scripture… Emerald tablet(s), kyballion, Initiation into Hermetic – Franz Bardon, anything gnostic, Hindu, Buddhist….You can find truth in any scriptures if you have the above understandings…and talk to the scriptures.. ask them to speak to you.. for you influence the very writer (and me now) 45 000 years (or 12k) ago.
There are many many realms of higher existence…
but if you cannot control your worry.. Nobody wants you around..
Would you let some worrying kreten onto your private server planet?
Think of reality as a 3D video game.. and think of a higher realm as a private server… There are public domain higher vote-oriented realms.. and these are not vote-oriented realms.
If you went to a realm where magik was extremely easy… you wouldn’t want to have a nightmare or you might create a giant monster that terrorizes the villagers.. Basically we must learn to behave.
We are toddlers.
We are toddler gods…. gods…Oh.. and when you hear talk of “daemons” or even “demons” in old scriptures.. think of thought-forms.. not bad things.. we match that description.
We are daemons with some pictogram identity… you are millions of lifetimes old in a linear time sense.. and that is before you added BILLIONS of lifespans to your soul using the suggestion I make often…lifespans.I suggest we are now in the age of Aquarius. This is very recent… The past decade.
We are on the dawn of a golden age for mankind..Living inside a giant imagination has many benefits aside from the entire forever longevity thingy.
Anything we as humans collectively think possible.. think possible.. is probable inside a dream. Probable.
Think about those last sentences.. a lot. For it means aliens are probably here.. Fairies probably exist.. so.. so.. so.. so… wrong have we all been with the religion of science.. and science is a religion if we could be dreaming this today.
Welcome to the bottom of the rabbit hole.If there is anything anyone does not grasp about the universe or afterlife.. I suggest ancient scriptures coupled with these teachings… I may have suggestions or could explain myself.
Wayne Hilborn
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People live much differently than we were meant to.
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