Esoteric vaccinations: Not many manifest enough to learn time is non-linear… some things we manifest can only be explained if our thoughts altered the past in accordance with intent.
We are thought-forms more than what I would call “people”.
I also preach much that “worry” is visualizing bad with emotion… never good juju.
A grandmother who “worries” that her grandchildren are lying in the ditch bleeding every time they are ten minutes late for supper.. is doing nobody any good.
Those thoughts build into an event if given enough weight.
If a person fears being mugged… how does the universe find a mugger? A murderer is never as guilty as the grandmother who worried the murder into actuality.
We want to blame the murderer.. but they are just weak malleable minds.
You are not “real”. You are living inside the very first hermetic Principle.
Elon Musk would call it the simulation hypothesis… Tomatoes, tomatoes (A metaphor that only works if you pronounce tomato differently each time).
If more powerful mindsets exist in India or countries a little behind on vaccinations… then like the weak-willed murderers… anti-vaxxers may forego their doses to help people overseas.. even if that was never their intent.
Many other countries are still vaccinating their elderly and at risk populations. So the anti-vaxxer movement is technically saving more lives than it is costing.. but the lives saved are overseas.. or wherever these excess doses are diverted. None of the anti vaxxer doses are tossed in the garbage… not as a norm.
If you are vaccinated you are *98% (ninety eight percent)* safer from dying of covid. You’re as likely to perish by a lightning strike.
Think of it without the monotheism as prayers are being answered elsewhere by weaker minded anti-vaxxers.
So many of our actions are vacant like this.. be aware… You can feel thoughts from others if you argue… (feel the thoughts from others). That is why we must pace, etc… busy minds.. mental chatter.
TM and fasting are two disciplines one should attempt to master to avoid randomness in the afterlife. Reduce clutter.. thought forms attach to us… shed the bad ones at least.
We see things in ways that make sense to us… but we are always interpreting events that surpass time and space and are not logical… so we hallucinate our realities in some sense…. and we are all seeing our own versions.. much aligned.. but always different.
If an event in a dream is about beaming from galaxy to galaxy with a teleportation wormhole your mind cannot comprehend.., then in your dream you might be on a big plane with all your friends and family. Your mind will try to make sense of things.
We are water fire creatures living in earth air. But a shoe brand thought form births into us in a manner similar to how we birth into earth air… it is similar to them… all thoughts have a consciousness.. which must sound bizarre.. but we are just conscious thoughts.. so why not them…. remember.. you exist as a thought.. not actual. Why can’t other thoughts have some fun?
If life is a dream then we are all thoughts… and nothing is actual.
Every idea we have exists outside our heads… we learn to tune to thoughts like a virtuoso. The may start banging out a few notes on an instrument.. and then they are playing with symphonies.
I must tune to a dozen thought forms just to write this sentence.
It must sound odd.. but the fact that we exist as imaginary.. makes us more powerful than any superhero we can think of.. with infinite longevity… but we change.. we must beware how we change. You can attach to bad thought forms that will remain with you until you can learn to shed them.
If everyone knew they lived forever.. they might be less cutthroat or dog-eat-dog. I hope I would give away my only food and be thankful doing it. I know my role.
Learn to recognize weak-mindedness in ourselves and others.
Always put at least a single second of thought into the projected outcome of any event or you are inviting randomness.
If you’re selling items.. before you start your day.. visualize yourself walking home with a pocket full of cash.
If you’re attending work.. visualize the day running smoothly and you getting out of there on time.
Just a single thought can prevent randomness…. and who knows what randomness may bring.
Life is so easy to understand if you view it as a timeless dream… everything makes sense.
Our prisons are filled with weak-minded people… when truly it’s the worrying grandmothers to blame.
Energy follows all thoughts.. and not the other way around… visualizing evil must occur before the evil can manifest along the timeline.
Think about the creation of the universe… poof.. you just helped manifest our universe.. to do with non-linear time.
Ive said all this time and again…
I do think it fun that my views can be easily be translated into real world activities. I see pushback and such with the vaccinations and anti vaxxers.
Do Fasting and Transcendental Meditation as methods of training your mind to disregard incoming thoughts. Be more selective.
We should all have the mantra, “I only respond to positive suggestions from myself and others”.
Pushback is the notion that a sibling may have difficulty manifesting a billion dollars because his family and friends do not expect their brother to earn that kind of money and buy them all castles… Everyone creates their own realities.. and none of this family expected their sibling to win big…
So growth must be in stages. Elon Musk is making US visualize his mars colony. Smart.
How would it work inside a dream… that is the answer to most everything. 42 is the answer to everything else.
Wayne Hilborn
This must sound weird to some who stumble across this website…. ha. C’est la vie et la mort
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Imagine a world that has more daydreams than worries. This author wants to continue researching and writing if there is interest. If you would like to hear more from Wayne Hilborn consider being a one time donor or a sponsor to this channel.
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People live much differently than we were meant to.
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