Is Christianity or Islam dangerous?

All standard religions are very dangerous. Christianity, Judaism and its sister Islam may be the largest evils of our time. Here is why…

Many would agree that visualizing bad crap with emotion causes… what?

Energy follows “ALL THOUGHTS”. Worry = Visualizing bad crap with emotion. Any religion that does not teach manifesting or that Visualizing bad crap with emotion.. is not the greatest plan inside a shared dream.

You would first need to believe in manifesting… melt a cloud with your mind.. yell at one bag of cooked rice for a month and praise another for 1 minute per day.. and notice the MOLD that grows upon one bag…

A miracle YOU must do at home. Nobody can demonstrate miracles as a guru cannot levitate inside a stadium filled with doubt, but he can fly alone.

Simplified… we live inside a dream… a shared dream… That is why all manifesting and miracles and even synchronicity is possible.

A Christian mom who merely holds worry her daughter has moved into a dangerous neighborhood can easily manifest an attack, addiction, even a murder.. upon her own child.

The largest group of untrained minds of our era is Christians. So in fact, Christians manifest the most evil upon the earth.

We live inside a dream.. so this is how it works….

Oh… Elon Musk would say it’s a “simulation hypothesis” we live inside.. tomato, tomato… and that metaphor only works if you pronounce tomato differently both times.. sigh.

If Elon Musk is correct.. then science is “woo”. If the very first Hermetic Principle is true (all is mind), then science is “woo”.

If we reside inside a dream.. we do… then the question becomes “What is not possible?” instead of what is possible as science pokes and prods.

Go to a window and select one cloud to vanish.. and watch. the other clouds will remain.

The above two easy visible miracles are but one aspect of your true nature.

The second is “time”.

We think we live linear. Albert Einstein and every physics class on planet Earth will tell you that time is “simultaneous”… How weird is that?

Can you imagine simultaneous time?

Well, it is… according to Albert Einstein.. relativity.. etc.

Yes… Time is in fact simultaneous… and that’s quite a concept…

The point is it affects us… greatly.

Our thoughts influence the past…

My Tooth fairy story…

How every religion/miracle works….

Imagine a skeptic was drowning in the ocean.. he will die.

Now… Imagine the drowning person is a devout TOOTHFARIAN. This man attends Tooth Fairy Churches, donates to Tooth Fairy charities… and has always been a devout Tooth Farian. He even brushes his teeth 4 times per day.

Now imagine the TOOTHFARIAN is drowning .. and he cries… “Please save me lord Tooth Fairy”

This “Positive Outlook” seeds history.

SUDDENLY! Three days ago (in the past), three days ago (in the past)

(Did I mention this next part occurs in the past)

Suddenly – three days ago. IN THE PAST, a cruise ship and 3000 passengers get a slightly different weather report AND/OR alter course an extra 2 degrees so they are now on course to rescue the TOOTHFARIAN 5 minutes after he starts praying.

The TOOTHFARIAN was at home packing for his sailing adventure the following day and yet a cruise ship and 3000 passengers have already altered their superposition (They are Schrodinger cat in box) to match the expectation of the TOOTHFARIAN (supervising scientist).

The error of Quantum Mechanics is simply that they use “Probabilities” to affect changes instead of “EXPECTATION”.. a more accurate portrayal of what occurs.

———————— End of story———-

Even Karma is an odd concept if we live all of our lives simultaneously… we attach to various other thought forms.. some less than good.. that’s not a good thing. This is why disciplines like fasting and TM are helpful in the afterlife/gap realm.

There is an afterlife much akin to a school at our level.

Heaven is a ridiculous notion as you need bad to have good and good to have bad…

Heaven debunked in 6 words, “You need bad to have good”. You need broccoli to enjoy the ice cream.

You would not enjoy a date if every person said yes.

You could not play a game if losing is bad… not in a silly “heaven”.

There is a gap realm… where you plan your next reincarnation.

Time…. So if you realize our thoughts influence the past (You likely don’t.. but whatever.. I wish the truth was more palatable).

If you realize our thoughts influence the past then you know that a victim can help manifest both the upbringing and current circumstances of their own bully. Think about that….

A murderer is not as guilty as the evil grandmother who visualized with emotion her grandchildren lying in the ditch bleeding every time they were ten minutes late for supper.

Thoughts dwell outside our minds… we think they are our own.. They will seek weak-minded to perform your visualizations.

The stuff I say here is actually what Jesus actually taught. We know what he taught from the Gospel of Thomas and the Gospel of Mary (his wife). Only four of fifty-plus gospels made it into the Jewish New testament. Why only four gospels.. There is a Gospel of Judah, Simon, etc…

Jesus fled into Egypt as the king accepted prophecy back then enough to do infanticide to an entire country. Egypt was Hermetic.

The New Testament was written hundreds of years after Jesus died.. or at least compiled and edited. Jesus did not fly down and sign off on it… It did not fall from the sky and bonk that evil little emperor on his evil little head.

Goliath was the good guy.. David grew up to become the most famous mass murdering rapist in all of history (Rape of Bathsheba, etc).

The Christian god is so vile and spiteful he once drowned every puppy on the entire planet to get his vengeance upon them. I like puppies.. I’d punch the evil Christian god in his evil frigging face.. and i’m a pacifist. (Story of Noah/Nuh if you’re Islamic – sister religion)

The greatest evil of our time is any religion that does not teach the dangers of “worry”.

Evil does not come first. It must first be imagined within our dream. Energy follows all thoughts and not the other way around.

If a church allows or even encourages its congregation to “worry” (visualize bad crap with emotion) they are inviting all kinds of evils into this world.

I can tell you another way Christians casually kill off their loved ones.

The improper focus during prayer…

Which prayer (to your higher self/god) is better after an accident?

“Please god do not let this child die in such a tragic way”
“Please god let this child live a long and healthy life”

To a Christian, those prayers must be equal.. because they think there is a slave master god that dictates the prayers based on worth… YOU are the entity doing the miracles.. like blessing rice heals it or hating rice gives it mold… heal others with love.

If you used a rosary to repeat the above prayers… choose wisely.. focus matters.

It all comes down to two things.

Daydreaming VS Worry

Choose wisely… and pay attention to timelines of all synchronicity and manifesting.

Wayne Hilborn

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Imagine a world that has more daydreams than worries. This author wants to continue researching and writing if there is interest. If you would like to hear more from Wayne Hilborn consider being a one time donor or a sponsor to this channel.

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People live much differently than we were meant to.

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